The Catholic Parish of Frenchs Forest.

 to Love and Serve

 If you’re a visitor or new to our parish, we extend a very warm welcome to you. 

If you have any questions, please chat with Fr Biju, Fr Joseph or myself, or browse our website.

We want you to feel at home with us. - Fr Satheesh

from Fr Satheesh

My dear Parishioners,

On the Fourth Sunday of Easter, called Good Shepherd Sunday, we continue to reflect on the meaning of the Resurrection. This is also the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Today, we celebrate the risen Lord as the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep.  Today's Gospel reminds us what Christian leadership should look like. His metaphor was of a compassionate shepherd who sleeps in the field with his flock, one who knows them so well and loves them so dearly that he lays down his own life for them.

There are many ways we can be like the Shepherd and look after others and show compassion. We could take a moment to pray for better listening so that we might recognize the gospel voice of Jesus Christ, especially in the busyness of our lives. We can take him in all that we do. On this day let us pray for our clergy in our Parish, in our diocese and pray for more Vocations.

This week we have seen tragedy and sadness in our city and we pray for those affected and pray for healing for everyone. May God look after all of us as we share in the grief together.

I hope you have had a chance to read the safe guarding framework from the dioceses and we look forward to implementing. The theme of “The Voice of the Venerable” allows us to be aware of those in need because of domestic violence. I encourage you to look at the video that the diocese has produced looking at “A catholic response to domestic violence.”

It was wonderful to see the PRIME youth group so well attended last Friday evening. 15 youth between the ages of 10-13 attended to enjoy games, pizza and friendship. I thank Michaela Formosa and Susanne Bragge for coordinating and running the youth group.

We have installed two new Tap N Go machines in each of our church communities. Each one is labelled to let you know the purpose of the collection.
The First collection is to support the priests and bishops of our Diocese. The Second collection goes towards the needs of the Parish. These funds support our parish ministries, meet the administration costs including electricity, insurance, maintenance and development of the Parish buildings.

Thank you for making a gift to support the important work of our Parish. We sincerely appreciate your generosity!

I would like to welcome all visitors to our churches and please come and say hello to us when you are at mass.

God Bless you

Fr Satheesh Antony OSH


This Sunday is traditionally known as Good Shepherd Sunday. Two major themes emerge from the readings: an image of the one who saves; and the power of salvation itself. The one who saves is not a mighty warrior who comes in military array. In fact, he is the one who was rejected, who was hunted down, humiliated, tortured and hung naked on a tree, there to die in shame. The one who saves is the cornerstone of the building, holding it together, forming a firm foundation so that the structure will not collapse. The one who saves is a lowly shepherd, entrusted with sheep, not with the affairs of state. The one who saves is an unlikely saviour. This characterisation should give us pause. Is it possible that we have been looking for a saviour in the wrong places?

God’s saving power flows from steadfast covenant love. It broke open the world in the death and resurrection of Jesus and it overflows as healing grace. The saving power in the name of Jesus, a name that itself means ‘saviour’ (cf. Matt 1:21), is for all people, even for those sheep who do not yet belong to this fold. Furthermore, it is for all time; God’s mercy endures forever. 

© Dianne Bergant CSA

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