The Catholic Parish of Frenchs Forest.

 to Love and Serve

 If you’re a visitor or new to our parish, we extend a very warm welcome to you. 

If you have any questions, please chat with Fr Biju, Fr Joseph or myself, or browse our website.

We want you to feel at home with us. - Fr Satheesh

from Fr Satheesh

Dear Parishioners,

This weekend we read about Jesus feeding the 5000 with the loaves and fishes.  We are called to follow the example of Jesus, his apostles, and the boy with a few loaves and fish. We should take the time to assist people in need and not retreat from the world. We must face up to the reality we find – and do what we can. May the Eucharist enable us to do on earth what is done in heaven, where the hungry are welcomed and fed, the leftovers are gathered together, and nothing is wasted.

Thank you for your wonderful support with the Peter’s Pence appeal last weekend and your generosity is much appreciated.

This Sunday we celebrate the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. We congratulate all our elderly and grandparents and wish them a very happy Grandparents Day. Let us remember them with gratitude for sharing their wisdom with us.

I encourage everyone to consider volunteering in our wonderful parish. At St. Martin’s we are in need of Church cleaners. I encourage our young members to come forward to volunteer in this great need.

Parishioners who wish to receive a tax-deductible donation receipt made through the parish to a catholic charity kindly contact the parish office.

Thank you to those who were able to make the Northern Beaches Discernment meeting on the 27th in our school hall.

This year our Curry Night celebration is on Saturday 17 August at 6.30 pm. I encourage you to buy your tickets after the weekend Mass or book it with the Parish office. Please RSVP by 11 August on

This week we welcome all the families who will be registering for the Sacramental program for 2024- 2025. We look forward to meeting with you all at the Parent information evening next Thursday 1st August in the OLGC Church at 7-8pm.

During this year of prayer I encourage you to read Very Rev Dr David Ranson’s Meditation Series on Christian Prayer in preparation for the 2025 Jubilee is providing very positive feedback. The series can be found at or on the Diocese YouTube channel.

I would like to welcome all visitors to our churches and please come and say hello to us when you are at mass.

May God Bless you
Fr Satheesh Antony OSH

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