The Catholic Parish 

of Frenchs Forest.

 to Love and Serve

 If you’re a visitor or new to our parish, we extend a very warm welcome to you. 

If you have any questions, please chat with Fr Biju, Fr Joseph or myself, or browse our website.

We want you to feel at home with us. - Fr Satheesh

go to Parish Giving Page for more details and link,
or Scan QR code Below

Each of us can make a difference. Each of us can help to protect one another. We are called to Step Up and to Speak Out for the protection of all.


Always check the Parish News Blog below for late time changes  to funerals, events and and mass times.

from Fr Satheesh

Dear Parishioners,

In this week’s Gospel from Luke, is a powerful reflection on the call to discipleship and the radical response it elicits. When Jesus encounters Simon Peter, James, and John, He performs a miraculous sign by filling their nets with an overwhelming catch of fish. This act serves as a divine revelation of His authority and divinity. This passage challenges us to consider our own response to Jesus' call. Are we willing to trust Him, even when it seems illogical or difficult? Are we ready to leave behind what is familiar and comfortable to embrace the mission He has for us? Through obedience, faith, and commitment, we can experience the transformative power of following Christ.

This weekend we celebrate the Word of God Sunday. Sunday of the Word of God is a day devoted to the celebration, study and spreading of the Word of God. Pope Francis impresses that the relationship between the Risen Lord, a community of believers, and sacred Scripture is essential to who we are as Christians.

This weekend, we will have the first collection for the Society of the Oblates of the Sacred Heart during the Masses on February 8th and 9th. Contribution envelopes will be available on the pews. Thank you for your continued support. May God bless you abundantly.

I know that we will miss Fr. Joseph OSH as he moves to Ku-ring-gai Parish. Bishop Anthony kindly appointed Fr. Boby Cheriyil OSH as our new Assistant Priest and he will commence his ministry with us in the first week of March 2025.

We pray for the children in our sacramental program as they embark on their journey towards the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Lessons begin this week with the Reconciliation Ceremonies for the children are on Friday 28th February and Saturday 1st March 2025.

We look forward to our parish picnic being organised for Sunday 2nd March. We hope all families and parishioners are able to join us for a social get together. See more information in our bulletin and on the parish website.

Have a lovely week and if you are new or visiting the parish please come up and say hello.

God Bless you all.
Fr Satheesh Antony OSH, PP. 

Parish News Blog

Parish eNews News Blog 

full blog can be found at Parish News Blog

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Where possible, the parish news blog will be updated daily Mon-Friday.

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