
Refund Policy

If a payment or donation has been made to Frenchs Forest Catholic Parish in error and a refund is required, please contact  02 9451 5097  or alternatively email

Please note any approved refunds will be returned using the original method of payment. 

Payments or donations from credit cards will be refunded to the same credit card used to make the donation.

Planned Giving

It is your continued contributions that enable us to have a Parish. Your generosity provides for the administration of the Parish, for support of ministries exercised for the Parish and for the maintenance of the parish buildings and grounds.

You are invited to join our Planned Giving Programs either through monthly credit card giving (preferred option) or direct debit giving of your choice eg: weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Please contact our Parish office to join either of these Planned Giving programs or, if you are already a contributor, perhaps you could consider giving a bit more.

With sincere thanks
Your Parish Finance Committee


A bequest is a donation left to your local parish, given via your will. A bequest to your parish will help the faith community which has meant so much to you to continue its good works and its loving outreach. It is also a means by which you can plan a lasting gift for your parish which might not be possible in your lifetime.

In receiving a bequest, a parish may be able to use the gift to attend to much needed maintenance and improvements to the church and other Parish property or put the gift towards building a new church or refurbishing their existing one. These kinds of gifts help the Parish free up other income to use towards pastoral care programs.

No matter the size of the gift, a bequest of any kind in your Will can make a significant difference.

The following are some examples of how a bequest may be given:

For more information on how to lodge a bequest, please visit the Diocese of the Broken Bay website.

Our Collections

The Clergy Fund (First Collection)

The Clergy Fund, as well as Stole fees from Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals, are for the support of the Priests and Bishops in our Diocese.

After covering the household expenses of the clergy in our Parish, the balance of the Collection is passed over to a pooled fund that provides Stipends for all active Priests, supports our retired clergy and pays medical costs.

A portion of the collection (15%) is allocated to a fund to support the Bishop (and retired Bishops) and his office.

Personal mass offerings and gifts remain with individual Priests.

To give through Good Giving click here or search the App Store for "Parish Giving Broken Bay" and download the App.
To make a donation via BPoint contact parish office
To set up a regular donation, click here to download our Planned Giving form.

Our Parish Fund (Second Collection)

The Our Parish Fund (envelopes and cash) and Planned Giving (direct debit and credit cards) are for the works of the Parish.

These funds support all of our parish ministries, meet the administration costs including electricity and insurance and maintenance of the parish buildings. Pledging a regular donation, no matter how small gives us a reliable source of income to meet our own financial commitments and work towards further enhancing our parish ministries.

To give through Good Giving click here or search the App Store for "Parish Giving Broken Bay" and download the App.

To make a donation via BPoint contact parish office.

To set up a regular donation, click here  to download our Planned Giving form.

Occasional Parish Payments (Baptisms, Weddings etc)

Payments or contributions to the parish by Visa or MasterCard can be made via BPoint. This secure system provided by the CBA will give you the option of having your receipt emailed to you.

Please select an option from the drop-down menu. For example 'Planned Giving' or 'PWBB' for Pastoral Works Broken Bay donations.

To make a donation via BPoint contact parish office

Annual Giving Opportunities

Tap and Go

There are two machines in the foyer or at the entrance that are set to $10, $15 etc. Per tap. 

These donations go to the Parish Funds and are used for the renovation and maintenance of the church building 

and also used for the clergy fund as shown on each machine.

Collection Boxes in Church

Money placed in the boxes at the candle stands and, in the offertory, box goes to the Parish Fund to support all the works of our parish.