The Catholic Parish of Frenchs Forest.

 to Love and Serve


Social Justice Committee

Justice is about fairness. Social justice concerns the relationship between different groups in society and examines whether all groups in society receive what is due to them in fairness or not. We are called to live in right relationship with others, to love and serve our neighbours. Treating people and groups in society fairly is the minimum that we should do. (Extract from Faith Doing Justice, published by the Australian Jesuits)

Frenchs Forest Parish has a very active group of people dedicated to the pursuit of social justice for all. (add webpage link here) This group, has the following objectives:

Name Title
Leo Ward St Martin's Representative
Anne Lanyon St Anthony's Representative

for more information go to

Acolytes/Senior Servers and Altar Servers Ministry

The Acolytes/senior servers with the assistance of the Junior Servers, are responsible for setting up before Mass, ensuring that the other rostered ministers have arrived and made alternate arrangements if they haven't, for coaching and prompting Junior Servers in their tasks, and generally for trying to ensure that everything runs smoothly during liturgies. The Acolytes organise volunteers to run the money collection during the Mass; ensure someone is appointed to do the Offertory; and ask a volunteer to do a head count at the Mass and record in Mass count notebook.

Children who have received their First Holy Communion and who have an interest in the role of altar server within the parish are encouraged to become involved.

Catechesis Ministry  

Catechesis is an education in the faith of children, young people and adults. It is intimately bound up with the whole of the Church’s life. We are sent out by the Church to make disciples. (Mt. 28)   How can we achieve and fulfil this vision through Catechesis Ministries? 

Special Religious Education (S.R.E.) / Scripture 

Public Primary School SRE is available to all state schools in our Parish. Parents/Carers are offered the opportunity at school enrolment to choose to send their child/children to Catholic Scripture. Also, parents are welcome to join in the classes at any time during the year.   

High School Scripture is available at 2 of the 3 high schools in our Parish.

Sacramental Programme

  We support children and parents in preparation for the Sacraments of Confirmation, First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.  

The programme commences with enrolment and Parent Information sessions (for parents only).  

After enrolment we then commence three sessions for the preparation to receive the Sacrament.

Resources are available through the Parish to assist in the preparations for each Sacrament. Leaders from the Parish will guide these sessions.  

for information on current programs go to

R.C.I.A. /Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults 

Hospitality Ministry

In addition, Hospitality is called upon via the Social Committee to look after catering at many special functions and events that take place in our Parish.

Liturgy and Support Ministry

The Proclamation of the Word is a key feature of the Mass. Our readers are rostered over a month to be of service at each of our Sunday Masses 

The balance of the liturgy is assisted by AV/ PowerPoint Operator – Training will be provided.

Church and Altar Support Ministry

A team of parishioners on a rotating roster action the following duties 

Grounds Maintenance Ministry

This ministry involves attending to the maintenance of Church grounds.

A team of parishioners on a rotating roster work in pairs to mow the lawns in the Church grounds. 
This work also includes weeding and watering as required.

Music Ministry

Supporting our liturgies and services with songs of praise and worship. These include:

Outreach Ministry

Visitations of the Aged and the Sick.

Pastoral care for the aged and the sick is at the heart of our Christian vocation and those who are aged and sick are encouraged to receive the sacraments, to ask for prayers and to receive support. (Volunteers will require police check)

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry program is designed to help youth, from 6th grade up to young adults, to build a community of support for their journey of faith.

Frenchs Forest Parish youth group meetings run monthly on the second Friday of the month. The youth group gather in the OLGC Parish Centre for Pizza and games. 

At OLGC Church each fourth Sunday of the month the group gather to be involved in the Sunday Mass. The youth are encouraged to be readers, singers and then run and serve the morning tea to Parishioners after Mass.

The groups aim is to be an opportunity for our young people to gather, have lots of fun, develop friendships with like-minded people, and grow in their faith through formation.

Volunteering at FFCP

Frenchs Forest Parish is blessed to have many volunteers in various different roles and ministries. If you would like to serve your Christian Community and join our team of Parish volunteers, volunteers are always welcome to assist in various ministry roles listed below.

If you would like to volunteer your services to help our Parish in some way but are unsure how to best contribute, please contact the Parish Office and we will be able to talk to you about possible options and what best suits your talents and time