Contributions and Donations
Planned Giving
It is your continued contributions that enable us to have a Parish. Your generosity provides for the administration of the Parish, for support of ministries exercised for the Parish and for the maintenance of the parish buildings and grounds.
You are invited to join our Planned Giving Programs either through monthly credit card giving (preferred option) or direct debit giving of your choice eg: weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Please contact our Parish office to join either of these Planned Giving programs or, if you are already a contributor, perhaps you could consider giving a bit more.
With sincere thanks
Your Parish Finance Committee
You can
Sign up for BPoint - this is payment via Credit Card once per month usually around the 20th of each month. To sign up, please email the Parish office at
Tap and Go
At each of our churches we have a Tap and Go facility that enables you to make a contribution at Mass using your credit card.
We understand that for many of our parishioners, this are very financially difficult and uncertain times, and we thank you for your ongoing support and generosity.
If you have any questions about contributions, please email the Parish Office at